Thursday, January 21, 2010

How do they DO that?!?

My children have amazed me. They have. Truly outdone themselves. After weeks of ignoring their bathroom, I rolled up my sleeves, slipped on some disposable gloves, and pulled out a fresh roll of paper towels. Add some heavy duty cleanser and some bleach, and you've got yourself a potty party!

Now remember, this is a judgement-free zone. And I have a 3 month old who nurses frequently, so I am lucky to even get laundry done, let alone focus on the small room at the end of the hall. I never see it. They bathe in my bathroom anyway, so I can control the soap usage.

All I can say is, wow. They have got some aim! They have the ability to completely miss the toilet! Bless the invention of the paper towel. I know, wasteful for the environment, but those ecology people have never had to clean up after my boys. But I am now the proud user of the cleanest bathroom on the street. Disinfected. Used all the rest of the bleach bottle.

Now, you may ask, did I get any laundry done? Nope, none at all. The best I did was have the boys pick up the clothes off the living room floor and deposit it on the laundry room floor. But it's in the correct room now. Guess I know what's on the list for tomorrow!